National Novel Writing Month 2023

It has been nearly two full years since I’ve posted here, for many good reasons. I bought a house, had a second kid. Jobs lost, deaths in the family, family events here and there. Most importantly, I had nothing to write about. Last fall I took my first professional certificate course in creative writing. ItContinue reading “National Novel Writing Month 2023”

The Wheel of Time Debut

I suppose I should be working, but I just can’t not write this. I’m excited to the point of nausea at the prospect of going to see my favorite fiction characters come to life on the big screen tonight. I’m bursting with an excitement that has been building for twenty years, and ever more activelyContinue reading “The Wheel of Time Debut”

2020 Reading Review

Well, that was quite in crazy year, huh? Despite staying home for 11 of the 12 months this year, my reading productivity took a large dip compared to 2019. This was largely due to being a parent, not commuting (audiobooks), and switching from audiobook to actually reading books this year. The year is not quiteContinue reading “2020 Reading Review”

Building Meridia

I have been working on the world of Meridia, which houses the College of the Gods, since early 2017. It’s not even close to the first world I’ve created, but it’s certainly the best. It started with a short story that showed the death of the world and the death of the Gods. I’ve workedContinue reading “Building Meridia”

Mongolian Folklore and Myth in Fantasy

Edit: I have made some adjustments to this article after some feedback from a Mongolian friend. Something that I have been doing research on for my own work is Mongolian culture and folklore. Mongolian culture, particularly during the times of Genghis Khan, is fascinating and had a profound impact on the modern world. From theContinue reading “Mongolian Folklore and Myth in Fantasy”

2019 Reading Review

Disclaimer: I originally wrote this to be the introduction and first post of my blog, after the birth of our daughter, I ended up writing another post that has already been published you can read here. Hi everyone, I’ve decided to add another avenue to my hobby of writing by creating a blog. Now, why,Continue reading “2019 Reading Review”